Lady Soledar's Music Land (e-book)

Bentouli Theoni

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The music land of lady SOLedar approaches from a new point of view the theory of music, in an attractive and fanciful way. NTOra, REna, MImika, FAni, SOLedar, Lara,SIssy, are seven ladies that live at the music land, work and have various daily activities. So, with them, a student will wander around their shops and their offices, will meet the castle that they live in, will visit the farm, will have the opportunity to exchange with the bank and use their money, learning at the same time the meaning of the notes, the meter, the pauses, the point of duration, the repetitions, and many others, in a particularly smart way that combines the theory with the action. Moving on to Fa key, he will discover the other sirs of the music land, with the famous mister Faflata, while in the end he will be accredited the title of citizen of honor, as he will be able to answer all the questions properly.




For children
