University of Oxford: The Graduate Workshop in Ancient Greek & Roman Music

The Graduate Workshop in Ancient Greek and Roman Music
Friday 29 June 2018, University of Oxford

We are pleased to announce the programme for The Graduate Workshop in Ancient Greek and Roman Music. The workshop will be held in the Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St Giles’, Oxford, on Friday 29th June 2018.

Attendance is open to academics and researchers at any stage of their career. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. There is no registration fee.

Please see the programme below.

Spencer Klavan (Magdalen College, Oxford), Harry Morgan (St Cross College, Oxford), James Lloyd (University of Reading)


9.30-10.00 Registration

10.00-10.15 Opening Remarks (Conference organisers)

10.15-11.00 Keynote Lecture: Professor Armand D’Angour (Jesus College, Oxford)
The Orestes Fragment and Tonality in Ancient Greek Music

11.00-11.30 Coffee break

11.30-13.00 Panel 1: Music between Theory and Practice
(Chair: Dr Tosca Lynch, Jesus College, Oxford)
Alexander Wilson (Merton College, Oxford)
Music and Ethnicity in Pindar’s Epinicians
Andrea Granvillano (University of Bologna)
Plutarch and the Concord Emmeles
Thyra-Lilja Altunin (University of Pittsburgh)
Homeric Performance and the Scholia

13.00-14.00 Lunch break

14.00-15.30 Panel 2: Music and Drama
(Chair: Prof. Felix Budelmann, Magdalen College, Oxford)
Emmanuel Aprilakis (Rutgers University)
Athena’s Θεσμός: sound, assonance, and speech acts in Eumenides 566-73
Sophie Chavarria (University of Kent)
Re-evaluating the Status of Female Performers in Late Republican Rome: power, prestige and star-actresses
Giovanna Casali (University of Bologna)
Re-use and Reproduction of Ancient Greek Music in Modern Dramas: the collaboration between Ettore Romagnoli and Giuseppe Mulè

15.30-16.00 Coffee break

16.00-17.15 Panel 3: Music in Ritual and Religion
(Chair: Prof. Scott Scullion, Worcester College, Oxford)
Paola Budano (University of Catania)
Dancers in the Addaura Cave
Ella Kirsh (Brown University)
Et Bene Mihi Erat cum Eis: the place of music in late antique life-writing

17.15-18.15 Drinks reception

The organisers are grateful for support from Magdalen College, Oxford, and the MOISA society.

