25th EAS Conference / 6th ISME European Regional Conference
The 25th EAS Conference / 6th European ISME Regional Conference will take place at the University Mozarteum in Salzburg (Austria), from 19 to 22 April 2017!
Networking as a challenge for music educators
Music in schools makes music available to and accessible for every child. Pupils participate self-determinedly in cultural life. Supporting young people in this respect is a basic challenge for music educators: a challenge which requires them keep abreast of changes in their subject by considering the various developing fields of musical practice and reflecting on studies in different scientific disciplines. Helping young people to develop a deeper understanding of music and fostering their active participation in musical life in a rapidly changing society has to be a joint venture between different partners. Such joint ventures may turn into joint (ad)ventures that explore multiple facets of musical culture.
Embedded in a cultural network, music education in schools depends on dialogues with:
public and private cultural institutions
extracurricular music education
referential research fields
This congress encourages musical educators and communicators involved in their own specific ventures to become engaged in the adventure of new collaborations.
We are excited to hear answers to the following questions:
What are the challenges and benefits of interdisciplinary approaches?
What are the challenges and benefits of multimedial approaches? To what extend can new approaches foster a better understanding of works of art?
What are the challenges of cooperative projects between schools and other institutions?
Four days full of presentations, debates, workshops and concerts in the city of Mozart in the centre of Europe!