Τhe International Orff-Schulwerk Forum will take place online
The annual convention of the International Orff-Schulwerk Forum will take place online. The theme of the convention is: PLAY AND PLANNING IN ORFF-SCHULWERK, Ways of developing creative learning processes
Monday, 26 July -Thursday, 29 July 2021
The annual convention of the IOSFS will take place ONLINE!
Recordings of presentations will be available for registered participants on the Convention pages until September 30th, 2021.
Members of IOSFS and national OS associations: 60€
Students: 40€
Non-members: 80€
Learning through play and learning playfully are fundamental principles in Orff-Schulwerk pedagogy. Teachers invariably incorporate play into their planning to initiate and develop learning processes.
Planning for play reflects our understanding of how learners can be most engaged and motivated. Planning happens before teaching – in a written outline of aims and content – and during teaching – in adaptations that are often intuitive and spontaneous. Sharing practice and reflections about play and planning is a powerful way to improve our understanding of effective teaching and to articulate the characteristics of creative learning processes.
Recordings of presentations will be available on the Convention pages until September 30th, 2021.
We invite you to participate in 4 days of online workshops, talks, presentations and discussions about Play and Planning in Orff-Schulwerk.
Keynote Speakers:
- Anna Maria Kalcher (Mozarteum University Salzburg, Austria)
- Patricia Shehan Campbell (University of Washington, USA)
- Elizabeth Wood (University of Sheffield, UK)
- Alicia de Banffy-Hall (Germany)
- Krongtong Boonprakong (Thailand)
- Kate Buchanan, Andrew Maud and Maria Neil-Smith (UK)
- Michael Chandler (USA)
- Christa Coogan (USA/Germany)
- Elfa Lilja Gisladóttir and Kristin Valsdóttir (Iceland)
- Doug Goodkin (USA)
- James Harding (USA)
- Angelika Holzer (Austria)
- Markku Kaikkonen, Soili Perkiö and Elisa Säppanen (Finland)
- Charnell King (South Africa)
- Sharon Mazion and Marjie Van Gunten (USA)
- Caroline McCluskey (Scotland)
- Bethany Rowe (Australia/Canada)
- Shirley Salmon (UK/Austria)
- Andrea Sangiorgio (Italy/Germany)
- Wolfgang Stange (Germany/UK)
- Robyn Staveley (Australia)
Come Togethers:
- Aixa Toledano Benítez (Spain/Finland)
- Ksenija Buric, Lidija Detić and Silvija Sarapa (Croatia)
- Manju Durairaj (India/USA)
- Paul Grosse (Singapore)
- Magda Pucci and Mayumi Takai (Brazil)
- Jackeline Rago (Venezuela/USA)
- Sandra Salcedo (Columbia)
- Ezgi Tatar (Turkey)
- Judith Thompson-Barthwell, Kimberly Collins (USA)
- Angelika Wolf (Austria/UK)
- Fauna Woolfe (USA)
Mentees of the European Mentorship Programme in Orff-Schulwerk Pedagogy / Singapore Satellite
Associated Schools and Institutions
- Carl Orff Grundschule, Altenerding, Germany
- IMMEA, Institute for Music and Movement Education Advancement China Shenzen, China
- International School Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
- Jittamett Kindergarten, Bangkok, Thailand
- Moraiti School, Athens, Greece
- Musicanto, Piossasco, Italy
- Pestalozzi Escuela del Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- San Francisco School, San Francisco, USA
(Last updated 31 May)

The topics of the discussion groups are:
1. Benefits and challenges of online teaching
2. Methods and Strategies for playful and creative interaction in online teaching
3. New technologies and apps for online teaching