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Autumn Trees Craft
This is an easy craft for any age; even the youngest ones will have a finished tree they’ll love.

You’ll need ink with a dropper, paper, straws, glue and dry autumn leaves. I like using heavier card stock paper in natural tones. The leaves need to be very dry so they’ll crunch up nicely. A little hint on the leaves… if they are not quite crispy enough, pop them in the microwave for a minute or so.
After gathering your supplies, first thing to do is crunch your leaves! Keep them in a bowl and set aside.
Now, using the dropper, squeeze out a line of ink in a simple tree design.
Pick up your straw and start blowing the lines of ink to make branches for your tree.
After it dries (it won’t take long), add glue where you want the leaves to be.
Pour the “leaf glitter” on top your picture, making sure the glue is covered, and pat it down.
Now, shake off the excess “glitter” and you’re done! Aren’t they pretty?
Other ideas