How music education can be beneficial for students

by Christine David

Recent studies show that schools with music education classes have a graduation rate of nearly 94 percent. Schools without these types of classes only have a graduation rate of about 73 percent.

There is no denying just how important music can be for impressionable young minds. Many professionals in the world of teaching feel that a musical education is just as important as other core subjects like math and reading.

Having access to music can help a child develop at a faster pace and is also a great way to keep them out of trouble. Are you curious about the benefits of a musical education? If so, read below to find out more information.


A Great Way to Improve Language Skills

The team at PBS conducted a study that showed musical training helps to develop the left side of the brain. This part of the brain is responsible for things like processing language and writing skills. Other studies have shown that learning to play an instrument can also help to improve a child’s understanding of human language.

This is especially important for children who are trying to learn a second language. In high school, kids are usually required to learn Spanish. Giving a child the tools they need to comprehend and learn various languages can serve them well later in life.

Children With Access to Music Classes Have Higher Test Scores

When students are given access to high-quality musical education programs, they generally score higher on standardized tests. In 2007, Christopher Johnson, professor of musical education at the University of Kansas, conducted a study to show the correlation between musical education and high test scores.

What Mr. Johnson found was that kids who were enrolled in music classes scored nearly 22 percent higher on the English and math portions of standardized tests. Learning a musical instrument helps to open a young mind up and allows it to absorb information like a sponge.

Musical Education Breeds Confidence

High school students in particular are known to have issues with self-esteem. All of the changes that these students have to go through when transitioning from grade school into high school classes can make them a bit shy and less confident. Most music students are far more likely to try something new with confidence than adolescents without access to musical education.

Most music teachers will push students out of their comfort zone by doing things like recording them singing or playing their instrument. In order to get a crisp and clear recording, these teachers have to search for a list of the best voice recorders on the market. With high-quality equipment, these educational professionals can let their students hear how good they sound. This will usually give the students a much-needed boost of confidence.

Increase a Child’s Ability to Listen and Comprehend

One of the key components of being a good musician is being able to listen and comprehend instruction. Listening and comprehension is also a key element in being a successful student. Often times, children who take music classes start doing better in school without even realizing they are using the same techniques for math and other important subjects as they are to learn an instrument. Many parents use music to help out a child who is a bit hyperactive due to the calming effect this type of learning has.

Better Math Skills

In order to learn how to read music, students have to figure out what quarter, half and full notes are. These notes are essentially fractions, which is why most music students do great in math. Learning about the rhythm of an instrument essentially teaches a child how to count. The same logic that is used to count out the rhythm and bars in a musical composition can also be utilized in math class.

A variety of the musical concepts have math counterparts. This is why it is so easy for students to translate what they learn in a musical education course to learning complicated math disciplines.

A Musicians Brain Works Harder

Did you realize that scientific data proves the brain of a musician consistently works harder than people without musical training? Neuroscience research found that children who were involved in music had a large growth in neural activity. The amount of brain power it takes to play an instrument well is significant. If you are trying to give your child the tools they need to be successful later in life, enrolling them in music classes at an early age is a great idea.

Learning How to Play a Musical Instrument Alleviates Stress

Having too much stress can lead to a variety of problems as a child ages. Most people claim that listening to music is something they do to relax and forget about their worries. Playing a musical instrument can have this same calming and soothing effect.

Giving a child a release when it comes to dealing with the stresses of being young can be very helpful. As a child matures into adulthood, they can use their love of playing and composing music to reduce the negative stress they are dealing with.


Creativity is a Great Thing

There is no denying that music also helps to nurture a child’s creative side as well. Having a high level of creativity can help a person greatly when entering the workforce. Most employers identify creativity as one of the main skills they look for in a new hire.

Having a musical education is also a great way to improve a person’s communication and critical thinking skills. Regardless of what career path a child chooses later in life, having musical training can help them excel in any job they choose.

With all of the benefits that come with a musical education, there is no wonder why so many teachers and parents are fighting to keep these classes in school. Donating to charities setup to fund these classes is a great way to do your part when it comes to providing the next generation with a quality musical foundation.

