Calls for presenters for pre-conference seminars for the 33rd ISME World Conference

- The online submission system must be used for World Conference submissions. This system will be available to ISME members through the ISME 2018 conference website, which will link through to the ISME members’ website for verification of membership. (If electronic submission is impossible, please contact the ISME International Office by September 30, 2017).
- All submissions and presentations must be in English.
- Every presenter or co-presenter must be an individual ISME member at the time of submission, at the time of acceptance and at the time of presenting.
- To be included in the published program, individuals must be registered on the Submission System. This includes co-presenters, panelists, and speakers on symposia. Any exceptions must be requested in advance of the submission.
- All Full Papers must be in the format of the Guidelines for Authors. Submissions that are not presented in the required format will not be considered.
NOTE: The submission MUST include details of any equipment, instruments or facilities that you will require and cannot provide yourself. If any requirements are not included in the submission the conference organizers cannot guarantee to meet your needs and you may need to find alternative ways to present.
The deadline for submissions to the 33rd ISME World Conference is midnight, November 15, 2017. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Applicants will be notified of the results of the review process for presentations on or before February 1st, 2018. Applicants will be notified of the results of the review process for publication in the Conference Proceedings on or before March 31, 2018.
Successful applicants must confirm participation as presenters, by registering as a delegate for the World Conference no later than March 31, 2018. Should successful applicants not comply with this requirement, their submission may be withdrawn from the program.
1. Spoken Papers
2. Posters
3. Demonstrations/Workshops
4. Symposia
5. Diverse Format Sessions
The above categories can be accommodated within the Commissions and World Conference Special Interest Groups.
(i) Commissions
- Research
- Community Music Activity (CMA)
- Early Childhood Music Education (ECME)
- Education of the Professional Musician (CEPROM)
- Policy: Culture, Education and Media
- Music in Schools and Teacher Education (MISTEC)
- Music in Special Education: Music Therapy, Music Medicine
- Forum for Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy
(ii) Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
- Musicians’ Health and Wellness
- Spirituality and Music Education
- Jazz
- Practice and Research in Integrated Music Education
- El Sistema
- Music Technology
- Applied Pedagogies
- Assessment, Measurement, and Evaluation
- Popular Music Education
Spoken Papers will be allocated 30 minutes, consisting of no more than 20 minutes for the presentation and a maximum of 5 minutes for questions and discussion. Spoken Paper submissions must conform to one of two formats: either an Abstract only or a Full Paper with an Abstract.
Abstracts must be in English with the text up to 400 words in length (excluding title and author information). The Abstract should not include references.
The Abstract should include the following 5 items:
1. theoretical/pedagogical background of the paper
2. aim/focus of the work/research reported
3. method/approach of the work
4. results and/or summary of the main ideas
5. conclusions and implications for music education.
Complete Paper submissions with text between 1800 and 3000 words in length are required only for presenters who wish to have a fully refereed paper considered for publication in the Conference Proceedings. No more than a total of two (2) tables and/or figures may be included. These papers must include an Abstract (400 words) for publication with the paper.
All Paper submissions must conform to the Guidelines for Authors provided, and should further develop items 1-5 as indicated above under “Abstract”.
Presenters should note that Full Paper submissions will be refereed according to a two-stage process:
- Abstracts will be refereed for inclusion as a presentation in the Conference Program.
- Full Papers will be refereed for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings. It is possible, therefore, that some Full Paper submissions will be accepted for presentation but will not appear in the Conference Proceedings. Authors should expect to be notified separately of presentation and Full Paper publication decisions.
Abstracts for Poster submissions must follow the same rules given for Spoken Papers, above. Authors of accepted Posters are invited to bring with them a Poster to display during the Conference. Poster specifications (size, format, etc.) will be provided upon acceptance. Titles of Abstracts for the Poster Session will appear in the Conference program and the Abstracts will appear in the Conference Abstract booklet. Posters will be grouped into sessions that have designated timeslots (normally 90 minutes) assigned to them.
A Workshop submission consists of an abstract between 300 and 400 words in length. The abstract should clearly provide background information, the purpose of the workshop, content, method, and applications for music education.
Sessions will have designated time-slots (normally a total of 60 minutes, consisting of no more than 45 minutes for the Workshop and 10 minutes for the discussion/questions, with 5 minutes between sessions).
Demonstration groups of pupils can only be used if all arrangements are organized by the presenter, because the organizing committee cannot provide for this. For demonstrations of software or other equipment authors will be responsible for ensuring that the necessary equipment is available. Submissions must therefore include a full description of the equipment and facilities needed.
Symposia will consist of a set of integrated spoken papers related to a theme. Organized Symposia sessions are encouraged and expected to make a distinctive and creative contribution to the Conference.
The total time allowed for a Symposium will normally be 90 minutes, consisting of presentations and discussions according to the decisions of the convenor. Multiple sessions on a given topic will also be considered.
Symposia may include:
- several presentations on a single topic
- colloquia (discussion panel) that include a major presentation with one or more invited discussants
- round-table discussion on a single topic with a group of speakers who propose their points of view and, under the guide of the chair (convenor), discuss these with the audience
- sessions of any other kind with a clear, specific, and coherent rationale.
Each of the above types of Symposia will be chaired by a Symposium Convenor (chair) who will submit the main Abstract and individual Abstracts on behalf of the panel presenters. The convenor must ensure that all participants are ISME members who have registered for accounts in the Submission System prior to the submission. Any exceptions must be requested in advance of the submission.
The Symposium Convenor (panel chair) must supply all information using the required Submission Form. In addition, the Symposium Convenor must submit the following supporting materials:
A detailed proposal including:
- >a 300 word overview including a general description of the organized session that includes the purpose, motivation, length, and justification for the session, for publication in the Conference Abstract Book. This must not include the names of any panelists, including the chair.
- a complete description of the format of the Symposium, including timetable, and roles of the participants (but not by name).
- a 300 word Abstract for each participant’s presentation, for publication in the Conference Abstract Book – see instructions on the Submission System website. This must not include the name of the participant.
It is the responsibility of the Symposium Convenor to ensure that each participant has agreed to attend the Conference and participate in the Symposium if it is accepted and that all co-presenters complete their registration by March 31st 2018 (Early Bird registration date).
Diverse format sessions are designed to those interested in innovative and unique forms of presentations. The goal is for the Diverse Formats is to link an issue, idea, or practice that could be better illuminated by a delivery structure other than the other four available above. Individuals or groups of individuals proposing a Diverse Format Session should:
- Clearly articulate a rationale for the diverse format, particularly the ways in which it provides a unique fit with the proposed submission topic.
- Provide a clear description of the session format submitted.
- >Provide an abstract for the overall presentation, as well as a clear delineation of participants, their roles and contributions to the overall presentation.
- Specify ideal time-structure for presentation (30, 60 or 90 minutes)
Conference submissions for each individual presenter are limited to a maximum TOTAL of four, with a limit of two submissions in Paper, Poster, Workshop/Demonstration categories (i.e., ONE single- presenter and ONE multiple-presenter submission per person) and a limit of TWO submissions per person in the Symposia category – including Diverse Format Sessions. If a submitter exceeds these limits, the earliest submissions only will be reviewed. No individual will be permitted to present in more than a total of TWO Paper, Poster, or Workshop/Demonstration sessions and TWO Symposia, and depending on the number of submissions, the Conference Organizers reserves the right to further limit the number of presentations accepted for any one individual.
COPYRIGHT (Full Paper submissions only)
At the time of a Full Paper submission, presenters must indicate agreement with the following copyright conditions:
Copyright Agreement:
I hereby assign to the International Society for Music Education (ISME), copyright of the Full Paper I am now submitting for use by the Society in all formats and through any medium of communication if it is accepted for Publication in the refereed Conference Proceedings.
- I understand that the Full Paper I am submitting will be refereed for possible inclusion in the Conference Proceedings and that it may also appear on the ISME web site.
- I confirm that the Full Paper is original and has not been published previously nor is currently under consideration elsewhere, that I have obtained all necessary permissions for the reproduction of content not owned by me (e.g., illustrations, photographs, charts, and other visual material, etc.) not owned by me, and that the Contribution contains no unlawful statements and does not infringe any rights of others.
- I understand that I will retain copyright of the original submission for purposes of duplicating the article, placing it on my personal and institutional websites, etc., but will give ISME the first and exclusive rights to publish the ISME-formatted and edited version in print or online in ISME Conference Proceedings and/or journals.
- I understand that if my Full Paper is not selected for publication in the Conference Proceedings, then upon such notification the copyright will revert back me (the author).
For further information, please visit the conference website at:
or contact the ISME International Office